Terms of Use (valid from 08/08/2022)

TERMS OF USE of the online-store „Supercoinsy.com”

§1. General provisions

1. These Terms of Use of on-line store named „Supercoinsy.pl” („the Store”) located under the address; www.supercoinsy.pl („the Terms of Use”) shall specify the rules of using the Store, including concluding and executing Agreement of Sale of Goods.

2. The Stores operates a business activity throughout the whole world in the field of on-line selling of the following goods: virtual items and virtual currency in on-line games (“the Games”), in particular: FIFA COINS, activation and subscription keys to computer and online games („the Goods”).

3. The sole owner of the Website Supercoinsy.pl as well as the Store and all content contained therein is: Marketing & E-Commerce Specialists LTD (Corporation) – a Corporation registered under the law of Republic of Georgia, incorporation date: December 17th, 2019, with its registered seat in Vake district, Irakli abashidze Str., N34, Commercial space Na-3, entrance 1, Floor 1, block I, Tbilisi, Georgia, hereinafter referred to as „the Seller”

4. The Store allows the Buyer („the Buyer”) to buy the Goods from the Seller. Buying Goods by the Buyer from the Seller is based on the Agreement of Sale of Goods, which is binding upon both Parties.

5. The Seller may be represented in selling for specified users or in the specified territory by distributors (“the Distributor”). List of Distributors is contained below the Terms of Use. However, in such situation it is only the Seller who is a party to Agreement of Sale of the Goods to the Buyers. The Distributor shall not be a party to the Agreement. However, the Distributor is entitled to submit declarations of intent to conclude the Agreement of Sale of the Goods from the Buyers to the Seller and to submit declarations of intent from the Seller to the Buyer to conclude such Agreement within the scope of these Agreement.  In such situation the payment of the Prices by the Buyers for the Goods shall be made only through the Distributor. For this purpose, the Seller authorized the Distributor to receive on behalf of the Seller the Price from the Buyer. The Distributor is authorized to receive the Price on behalf of the Seller using bank accounts or any accounts in payment processor or money transfer operators belonging to the Distributor.

6. Unless the Terms of Use stipulate otherwise, you can contact us:

- By e-mail – on the following address:  [email protected]   

- Every working days in working hours according to the calendar proper to the Seller or the Distributor. By working days we understand days from Monday to Friday, excluding statutory Holidays.

7. All trademarks, trade names and service marks belong to their legal owners and were used in the Store only for informational purposes.

8. It is prohibited for the Buyer to violated personal rights of the Seller, in particular by uploading information, posts or comments in measures of electronic communication and Internet website or forums, social media websites, Facebook, Twitter etc.

§2. Consents

1. By registration in the Store you accept the Terms of Use as well as express your consent for processing your personal data for the purpose of using the Store, in particular for concluding and executing Agreement on Sale of Goods, in the scope and manner necessary to use the Store.

2. The rules of processing your personal data are contained in our Privacy Policy, which can be accessible under the following address: https://supercoinsy.com/uk/article/polityka-prywatnosci   

3. Also by registration in our Store you express your consent for receiving to your e-mail or mobile device (if you provide us the number) marketing, promotional or advertising materials from us as well as from our partners and cooperators, including newsletter about our new products and offers.

§3. Compliance with the Game Rules

1. The Buyer buying the Goods, declares that he is entitled to conclude and execute the Agreement of Sale of Goods as well as use the Good in the Game, which means that it is consistent with the Game Rules or he has been granted by the owner of the Game or other authorized entity an individual permission for conclusion and execution of the Agreement of Sale of Goods and using the Good in the Game. Otherwise, the Buyer  is obliged to stop using the Store immediately and cease the Agreement and if he is on the stage of registration, he cannot register in the Store.

2. The Seller declares that the Goods shall not be available to the Buyer, who are not entitled to conclude and execute the Agreement and use the Goods in concordance with Game Rules.

3. It is the Buyer who is solely liable for fulfillment of the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 and 2.

4. The Seller is not required to verify, whether the Buyer is entitled to conclude and execute the Agreement as well as to using the Good in the Game.

5. If you fail to comply or failed to comply with any of the conditions set out in paragraph 1 and 2, the Seller bears no responsibility either toward you or the Game owner or Game Operator.

§4. Copyrights to the Store

1. All copyrights, intellectual property rights, industrial property rights and other rights to the Store, its elements, source code as well as ownership and possession of all copies of the Store, belong to the Seller.

2. The Buyer does not acquire by the virtue of this Terms of Use any other rights to the Store than expressly granted to him by the Terms of Use.

3. The Buyer is obliged not to infringe the rights mentioned in point 1.

4. In particular it is prohibited for the Buyer to do the following activities:

a. within the scope of fixation and reproduction of the Store – the production of copies of the Store by way of using a specific technique, including the printing, reprographic, magnetic storage and digital technique;

b. within the scope of trade in the original Store or the copies on which the Store was fixed- the distribution, gratuitous lending or rental of the original or copies;

c. within the scope of dissemination of the Store in a manner other than as specified in point b) – public performance, exhibition, presentation, communication, broadcasting and re-broadcasting, as well as making the Store available to the public in a manner allowing every person to have access to such Program in a place and at a time of his own choice;

d. making any alterations in source code of the Store

e. the permanent or temporary reproduction of a Store  in full or in part, by any means;

f. translation, adaptation, re-arrangement or any other alterations of a Store;

g. interfere into the Store as well as its principle of functioning;

h. removing or circumventing of the technical protection of the Store against reproduction or dissemination of the Store;

i. removing or altering without authorization any electronic information about copyrights as well as its owner.

5. All infringements of the copyrights to the Store will meet with reaction of the Seller. The Seller declares that in the event he made the decision to grant permission for the use of the Store by another website, the minimum rate of the license fee is 50 000 (fifty thousand) euro per year plus 50% (fifty) percent of the revenues generated by that other website for the use of the Store. The fees are minimal fees. In case of copyright infringement to the Store the Seller may claim compensation for damages caused by an infringement based on general principles or by paying triple the amount of the remuneration that is due for granting permission for use of the Store.

§5. Technical requirements necessary for using the Store

1. Using the Store requires:

a. Permanent access to the Internet;

b. Properly configured web browser accepting Cookie files  – Microsoft Internet Explorer version not older than 7.0 or Mozilla Firefox version not older than 2.0,;

c. Cookie and JavaScript enabled;

d. Active and properly configured e-mail box

e. Speed rate of Internet connection not less than 512 kb

2. The Seller is not obliged to train Buyer in the use of the Store. The Buyer is obliged to do it on his own, using the option “FAQ” or intuitively. Such content are not part of Terms of Use, they are only instructions, how to use the Store.

3. The Buyer is fully aware of the fact, the using the software like AdblockPlus or Flashblock may make it impossible or difficult to use the Store

§6. Specific rules connected to the Goods

1. We bear no responsibility for banning, blocking or nulling the account from virtual currency, virtual items, in particular FIFA Coins bought in our Store. It is the Game owner or Game operator which shall be a party to such claims of the Buyer. In particular we do not give any compensation. We do not return any money even if the Goods cannot be used by you, in particular because of violation of Game Rules or act or omission of the Game owner or Game operator.

2. You declare that you are fully conscious that buying Goods may result in receiving a warning from the Game Operator or Game owner, nullifying your account or even suspending, blocking of terminations access to your account. We bear no responsibility of such events.

3. We bear on responsibility for any acts of omissions of Game owner of Game operator, in particular possible account termination or suspension when using illegally obtained items.

4. We bear no responsibility for undue using of the Goods by the Buyer.

§7. Ordering and delivery

1. Orders are executed in accordance with the time given when ordering the Goods. If the delivery is longer than it was declared, you are entitled to money return but only if the Goods was not delivered yet.

2. We bear no responsibility for any delays arising from acts, events of omissions other than our intentional fault, like delays on the side of bank, payment operators, payment integrators, mobile phone operators, operators of SMS Premium number, errors, malfunctioning  or bugs of the server or the platform

3. The order can be executed only if the Price was paid in full by the Buyer.

4. We reserve for us the right not to perform your order and return you the Price in case of sudden and unpredictable changes of circumstances. In that case, we return you money within the term of 14 days after we notify you that we cannot perform you order.

5. We bear no responsibility for your  mistakes or errors when making payment. In such case, please contact payment operator.

6. We reserve the right to conduct promotions or discounts. The rules of such promotions or discounts will be every time available on the Store. Such rules may be amended  every time, this shall be on the sole Seller’s discretion, such amendment is not amendment of the Terms of Use

7. We reserve a right to make possibility of conclude Agreement on Sale of Goods by us conditional on verification of your identity and creditworthiness. For the purpose of verification we are  entitled to demand from you any document or information to confirm the identity and creditworthiness. We are entitled to refuse the possibility of concluding Agreements by you, without giving any reason, in particular where verification was not successful.

8. We bear no responsibility for error, bug, mistake of malfunction of any items, which functioning we do not have any influence on. In case of malfunction of technical break of EA servers or payment operators systems delivery time may be delayed.

§8.  Payment methods

You can use the following payment methods:

I.        Bank transfer

II.        PayOp

III.        PaySafe Card

IV.        Coinbase

V.        DigitalVirgo

We bear no responsibility for any acts or omissions of banks, payment operators, payment operators, payment agents and mobile phone operators.

§9. Refund policy

Right of withdrawal. Taking into account the specific character of the Products being sold, i. e. virtual items, virtual currencies in online games, in particular Coins for FIFA, activation and subscription keys for online games (“Products”) after the purchase of the Product it is not possible to return it, unless it is defective (see below).

This rule covers also sale on EU market in the Member States, which has implemented Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25th October 2011 on consumer rights, amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 85/577.EEC and Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.  

According to art. 16 of the Directive

Member States shall not provide for the right of withdrawal set out in Articles 9 to 15 in respect of distance and off-premises contracts as regards the following:

c) the supply of goods made to the consumer’s specifications or clearly personalised;

m) the supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer’s prior express consent and his acknowledgment that he thereby loses his right of withdrawal.

A consumer buying the Product, being on the territory of UE or being a citizen or resident of UE Member State, agrees to beginning the performance – supply of digital content, which is not supplied on a tangible medium acknowledging that thereby he looses his right of withdrawal from the Sale-Purchase Agreement within the meaning of Article 16 m) of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 25th October 2011 on consumer rights. 

§10.  Liability of the Seller

1. The Seller is not liable for any acts or omissions of the Buyer within the store.

2. The Seller is not obliged to check, whether acts or omissions of the Buyers or activity related with them are consistent with law.

3. The Buyer is fully liable for his acts or omissions during his using the Store.

4. Unless Terms of Use stipulate otherwise, the Seller is liable towards the Buyer for the damage resulted from his non-performance or improper performance only, if he is at intentional fault. The burden of proof of the fault lies on the Buyer.

5. The liability of the Seller towards the Buyer shall covers only real harm, does not cover lost profits (lucrum cessans) and is always limited to 100 (one hundred) euro.

6. To the fullest extent permitted by law,  the Seller is not liable for any actions and damages resulting from:

a) The Buyer not adjusting to the technical requirements necessary for supporting the IT system used by the Seller

b) Impossibility of accessing the Store for reasons beyond the Seller’s control;

c) Force majeure, wars, terrorist attack, fire, flood in server room, hackers attack, failures, reasons on the part of access providers, failures of hardware or software of the Buyers, failure in server rooms, reasons on the part of other third parties (entities providing telecommunications, hosting, bank, postal, courier, e-mail, registration and keeping domains services and other similar services, entity operating payment process);

d) Illicit usage from the Store by the Buyer or other person;

e) Malicious or violating the law acts or omissions of every Internet user;

f) Reasons on the part of software other than Store (e.g. Microsoft Windows);

g) Rejecting e-mails by e-mail servers other than that of the Seller, e.g.as a result of filters, blocks or failures of these systems;

h) In other situations specified in Terms of Use

i) Viruses of Trojans;

7. The Seller is not liable for designation of his e-mails or e-mails of Buyers as a spam by e-mails service used by the Buyer or by the Seller.

8. The Seller is entitled to technical break in functioning of the Store. The Seller notifies the Buyer on such break by message unless the necessity of such break is sudden or unexpected.

9. The Seller entitle to temporal limitation of some features of the Store, make them available on selected hours or introduce restrictions on the amount of them, if lack of limits could affect the continuity and stability of the Store. The Seller is not liable for consequences of the abovementioned activities.

10. The Seller is not liable for any damage borne by the Buyer as a result of using by the Buyer unprotected and deprived of antivirus software computer connected to the Internet, in particular for breaking into a system used by the Buyer and e-mail, password or username acquisition by a third party or virus infection of computer systems of the Buyer.

§11. Complaints

1. The Customer (the Buyer) has a right to submit a complaint in writing to the address of the Seller’s office or by e-mail to the Seller’s e-mail address specified on the Website, or via the contact form available on the Website if:

a.	the Product has not been delivered or;

b.	the Product is defective.

2. The complaint should include the name and surname of the Customer, his e-mail address, a detailed description of the situation and the claims made by the Customer. If the complaint does not contain all the required data, the Seller will call the Customer to supplement them, otherwise the complaint will not be recognized. 

3. If the Product has not been delivered, the Seller will make all reasonable attempts to deliver the Product promptly, and if this is not possible, the Customer will receive a refund of the price paid. 

4. If the Product is defective, the Seller shall replace the product with a new one free of defects, unless the Product is not available, then the Customer shall receive a refund of the price paid. If the Product delivered again is defective, the Customer may, at his discretion, request the re-delivery of the non-defective Product or refund of the Price paid. 

5. The Seller should consider the complaint within 14 (fourteen) business days from the date of receiving of a correct complaint containing all the required data. Lack of response within this term does not mean the complaint has been accepted by the Seller. The Seller notifies the Customer about his decision. The term of considering the complaint may be prolonged, in particular due to, for example, the need for a thorough analysis of the complaint basis.

6. The Seller may verify the Product purchased by the Customer to search for its in possible defect. In particular, this applies if the Customer claims that the activation key purchased was already activated or fits to another program or a different version of the program than the one indicated by the Seller. The Seller may also make the complaint conditional upon the Client signing the statement and send it in writing or a photocopy with the following wording:

“Under penalty of perjury, being aware of criminal liability for making false testimony and responsibility before the law, I declare that all circumstances stated in my complaint number ………., in particular regarding the defects of the Product named…….are true and reliable, in particular described and claimed defects of the Product has not been caused by reasons on my side." 

§12. Transfer of the Store

The Seller may transfer all or some rights and obligations specified in Terms of Use to a third party as well as delegate the exercise of those rights and obligations to a third party, he may in particular sale, donate, lease the Store or bring it to enterprise. The Seller notifies the Buyer by message on his intention to do so. In that case the provisions on amendment of Terms of Use shall apply.

§13. Final provisions

1. The Appendices to Terms of Use are its integral part. They include:

Appendix 1 – Privacy Policy;

2. The Terms of the Use are available free of charge to any Buyer on the Store under the address: https://supercoinsy.pl/article/regulamin-1 in such way, that you can before using the Store or at the moment of beginning using the Store acquire, restore, preserve and store (in the ordinary course of operations) content of Terms of Use, using the IT system which you use. In case of doubts as to the interpretation of the provisions of the Terms of Use, you can ask the Seller for explanation.

3.     Seller shall have the right to change the provisions of those Terms and Conditions at any time. The Seller shall inform about the change to be introduced on the Website no later than 7 days before the changes entering into force („Update Day”) to allow the Buyers visiting the Website to familiarize themselves with the content of the new Terms and Conditions. 

4.     After first logging in to the Website no later than 7 days before the Update Day, the Buyer shall be displayed a Notification including the aforementioned data, as well as allowing him or her to familiarize himself or herself with the changed version of the Terms and Conditions and making it possible for him or her to agree for or reject the updated terms. If the Buyer refuses to accept the new Terms and Conditions, agreements concluded with him or her shall be terminated in the following manner:  
        a.     If the first login is before or on the Update Day – agreements shall be terminated on the Update Day;  
        b.     If the first login is after the Update Day – agreements shall be terminated at the moment of refusing to accept the updated terms.  

5.     Updated Terms and Conditions shall apply to actions performed by both the Seller and the Buyer, especially to the concluded sales and purchase agreements and results thereof (within the scope of legal relations with the Seller) that are executed:  
        a.     If the first login is before or on the Update Day  – on the Update Day and onwards;  
        b.     If the first login is after the Update Day – from the day of accepting the updated Terms and Conditions by the Buyer.  
To actions performed by both the Seller and the Buyer, especially to the concluded sales and purchase agreements and results thereof executed before the Update Day/date of accepting the updated Terms and Conditions by the Buyer, the previous version of those Terms and Conditions shall apply. 

6. The applicable law to use the Store and to Agreement of Sale of the Goods and to all legal relations between the Buyer and the Seller is law of Republic of Georgia.

7. All disputes between the Buyer and the Seller arising from using the Store as well as Agreement of Sale of Goods shall be resolved by courts of Republic of Georgia or other courts determined by the Seller.

8. In its current version, those Terms and Conditions are to be complied with by both the Seller and the User, especially while concluding sales and purchase agreements entering into force after August 8th, 2022. Actions performed by both the Seller and the User, especially concluded sales and purchase agreements that entered into force before August 1st, 2022, shall be governed by the earlier version of those Terms and Conditions that can be found under the provided link: https://supercoinsy.pl/article/terms-of-use-previous-version-before-08102019

§14.  General Provisions

The Policy specifies rules for protection and processing of your Personal Data by the Administrator of Personal Data (the Seller) in connection with operating by him online store through the Website www.supercoinsy.pl  (the Store, the Website). The term „use of the Website” is synonymous with the word „use the Store”, “use the content of the Website” or “buying Goods in the Store”,

The Administrator of Personal Data (the Controller) is:  Marketing & E-Commerce Specialists LTD (Corporation) – a Corporation registered under the law of Republic of Georgia in the Public Registry of Georgia, No. 405369667, incorporation date: December 17th, 2019, with its registered seat in Tbilisi, Georgia, hereinafter referred to as „Controller” or “the Administrator”

§15. Personal Date processed by the Administrator

1. The Administrator processes the following personal data – to use the Website, you have to give the following personal data:

a. e-mail – address,

b. name and surname;

2. The Administrator may processes other your personal data, if you decide to upload them. You can upload them on completely voluntary basis (you do not have to upload such data to use the Website, however, uploading of such data can facilitate using the Website or give you access to some functions of the Website). This personal data are necessary to pay the Deposit and Fees and comprise the following:

a. bank account number,

b. credit card or debit card number and

c. you address

d. postal code

e. state;

f. date of birth

3. To log into the Website, you give the following data:

a. E-mail address;

b. Password.

4. We can also (as each website) process the traffic data, which characterizes the way you use the Website and that includes:

a. IP address;

b. Digital logs

5. Information about using the Website by you;

a. Web browser type;

b. Domain name;

c. Type of operating system.

6. The Website may use cookies, which allow to adjust services and contents do individual needs and preferences of the Buyers, as well as to be a basis of general statistics concerning using the Website by Buyers. Switching off in your web browser an option allowing to save cookie files generally does not result in unavailability of using the Website, however, it can hamper using the Website. Cookies do not contain any personal data.

3. For which purposes my personal data are processed?

Your Personal Data are processed by us for the purpose of using the Store, in particular for concluding and executing Agreement on Sale of Goods, in the scope and manner necessary to use the Store.

Also by registration in our Store you express your consent for receiving to your e-mail or mobile device (if you provide us the number) marketing, promotional or advertising materials from us as well as from our partners and cooperators, including newsletter about our new products and offers.

4. Who may have access to my personal data?

The Persons or entities having access to your personal data are:

The Administrator;

His employees or persons conducting services connected with the Website (programmers, computer scientists, security administrators, the entity administering and servicing the system) – in the scope determined by the Administrator;

Electronic payments operators: PayOp, Coinbase, PaySafe Card, PayByCall (Digital Virgo)

State bodies for the purposes of proceedings conducted by them, if such bodies have such right on the basis of provisions of binding law (e.g. public prosecutor, the Police, the Ombudsman) and in other situations, when we are obliged to give access to personal data by provisions of binding law.

5. How my Personal Data are protected?

Your personal Data are duly protected. The server, on which the Website is located, is placed in the server room of company, which guarantees high standards of data protection. The company applies the measures which prevent the acquisition and modification by unauthorized persons Personal Data transmitted electronically. Additionally, data is protected by SSL Protocol.

Our employees have to use password-protected screen savers, when they are moving away from their desks. After returning they must re-enter their passwords to regain access to your personal data. All our employees are kept informed on our activities about security and privacy protection.

When our registration form asks you to enter confidential information (such as credit card number), that information is encrypted and protected with the SSL. While on a secure page, as an registration form, the lock icon on the bottom of Web browser such as Netscape Navigator or Mozilla Internet Firefox becomes locked, as opposed to an open padlock when you just surfing.

6. What happens to my personal data, if I sign out from the Website?

As a rule, Personal Data is removed and will not be processed. Removal of your Personal Data shall be performed within 14 days from the date of signing out.

Exceptionally, pursuant to the binding law, we are entitled to process the Personal Date, which:

a. are necessary for billing services and claims for payments due to using of services. Billing for services submitted to you may not disclose kind, duration, frequencies and other technical parameters of the particular services used by you unless you require itemized billing within the range concerned;

b. are necessary for investigation into circumstances of Illicit Usage of the Website;

c. are admitted for processing by relevant acts or agreements;

d. in case of traffic data – are necessary to detect technical faults and errors in transmission of communications

Moreover, in case of Illicit Usage of the Website (i.e. contrary to Terms of Rules or provisions of law), we are entitled to process your Personal Data to the extent necessary to determine your liability, on condition that we record for the proof purposes the fact of receipt and the contents of the message about Illicit Usage of the Website. Therefore, please always abide the law and Terms of Use when using the Website.

7. What other rights concerning Personal Data do I have?

At any time you can remove Personal Data uploaded by you on your Account. Please, however, remember, that removing Personal Data necessary to use the Website will result in signing out from the Website.

You have the right to demand removal of your Personal Data from the Website. Please, however, remember, that if Personal Data are necessary to use the Website, demanding their removal equals to your will to sing out from the Website. You can do it in “Contact” field in contact form or you can write an email to an address: [email protected]

You always have right to access to your Data processed within the Website, as well as their completion, update or removal, as well as the right to demand the data to be completed, updated or removed, subject to the Data to which we are entitled to process under the provisions of law. You can do it sending an e-mail to our address: [email protected]

Super Coins Points

What are SC Points? Paid Points and Free Points

The Store allows Buyers to make payments of Prices for Products being purchased in the Store by Super Coins Points, which can be previously purchased or obtained in the Store, hereinafter referred to as the "Points". The Points can be:
1) purchased in the Store (“Paid Points”) or;
2) obtained in other way described below (“Free Points”).

To purchase Paid Points, you shall transfer funds to the Seller’s account. The funds are then exchanged for Points according to the conversion rate available on the Store’s website. The Buyer is informed about the conversion rate before purchasing and exchange.

You can obtain Free Points in other manner determined by the Seller, including by: performing various types of actions on the Store’s Website, in the form of bonus or gratification, by participating in competitions, on the Store’s fan page, as a bonus for making purchases in the Store for a specified amount, for inviting a certain number of friends to the Store’s Facebook page or for recommending the Store. Current ways of obtaining Points are available on the Store’s Website. The Buyer is solely obliged (on his own) to pay any taxes or other public burdens resulting from the fact of obtaining the Points.

What you can with Points?

You may check current number (amount) of your Points (showing number of Paid Points and Free Points) in settings of your Account. The Points allow you to make payments only if you are their owner (possessor) and only in the Store. The Store is not obliged to verify whether the Buyer is the owner (possessor) of the Points, by which he makes the payment. 

Can I transfer the Points to another person?

Paid Points cannot be transferred to another Buyer.

Free Points cannot be transferred an cannot be sold, donated or disposed in any other way, than making payment in the Store.

Can I exchange Points for real money?

Paid Points may be exchanged for real money, according to conversion rate available on the Store’s website, in which case 10% of the Points exchanged shall pass to the Store, and you shall receive the equivalent of cash for remaining Points. In addition, you shall cover costs of exchange operation (available also on the Store’s website). The minimum amount of Points to make exchange depends on chosen form of payment and currency, in which you want to exchange Points for real money; information on this matter are currently available on the Store’s website.

Free Points cannot be exchanged for real money.

What rights and powers we have relating to the Points? 

Remember that we have the following rights and powers:

1) right to refuse to exchange Paid Points for real money in the event of justified doubts as to the identity of the Buyer, refusal of the Buyer to provide his/her identification data, existence of doubts as to the legality of the Buyer’s actions, breach by the Buyer of the law, the Store’s terms of use or decency or morality rules, Buyer’s actions to the detriment of the Store or suspicion that the Points have not been acquired legally;

2) right to deprive Free Points as well as right to obtain them, if it is justified suspicion, that the Points has been obtained illegally, e.g. with the use of robots, bots or any tools automatizing the actions of the Buyer or other person or imitating the behavior of the Buyer or other person whose execution results in obtaining Points, as well as in case described in item 1);

3) right to deduct our claim against you for compensation for a loss caused by you with your claim to exchange Paid Points for a real money (in that case we can cover our loss from your Paid Points, taking them over from your Account).

What are your rights and obligations relating to the Points? 

The Points are your property as the Buyer and you have a right to freely dispose of them in the Store by allocating them to make purchase of Products in the Store, as well as – in case of Paid Points - by exchanging for real money. However, the Points do not constitute a state money and they cannot be used a real money in any stores or website.

You are obliged to keep secret any authorization data, logins, passwords, codes etc. enabling disposition of the Points. We do not bear any responsibility for unauthorized use of the Points, in particular if it is a result of your failure to comply with the above obligations. 

You are not allowed to use the Points for any activity consisting in committing crimes, including money laundering. You declare, under perjury, that all funds intended for exchange for the Points, are of legal source and have been taxed if they or their earning was subject to tax obligation.

The funds transferred to the Seller in exchange for the purchase of Paid Points are the sole property of the Seller. We do not operate any bank accounts or payment accounts, neither we store funds, money or cash nor provide cash deposits etc.  The same applies to Free Points. 


Widgets of native applications, such as Facebook or Twitter („Native Website”) can be active on the subpages of the Website. They may serve to, among others, collect data on user’s actions performed on the Website and to profile them in compliance with terms and conditions of the Native Website, providing that the user has accepted such terms. If the user has not accepted terms and conditions of the Native Website (he or she is not a Facebook/Twitter user(, the Widget will not gather his or her data and will not perform profiling-oriented undertakings. If you are a registered User, you can deactivate the Widget at any time by utilizing an appropriate option available in the “Profiling Consents” section of the User Panel – in such a case, the Widget will not appear on the Website before registration and after registering – it will not be used as long as the Website is capable of identifying the User by means of, e.g. Cookie files.  


Google Analytics is a tool created by the Google Company to analyze online traffic. It allows us to gather analytical data in real time and check how our website is used, how frequently it is visited, and by whom.  Google Analytics utilizes tracking codes that are added to browsed websites. Each user is registered with his or her unique ID, so that Google Analytics can provide information on the number of unique users visiting the website, returning to it, as well as on the frequency of visits, the duration of browsing, and interactions within the website. Accosting to information published here:  https://privacy.google.com/businesses/adsservices/ (Google Ads Data Protection Terms: Service Information) Google Analytics gathers the following types of personal data: online IDs, including Cookie files, IP addresses, device IDs, and client IDs. Detailed data on information gathered by Google can be found in company’s Privacy Policy available at: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=pl
By agreeing for using Google Analytics, the user grants the Website consent for automatic personal data processing, including: online IDs, including Cookie files, IP addresses, device IDs, and client IDs (in compliance with Google Ads Data Protection Terms – Service Information https://privacy.google.com/businesses/adsservices/) for the purpose of identifying certain features of the user, including the frequency of visit on a given website, types of websites visited, as well as interactions performed. Such data will be predominantly used for specifying user’s preferences, fields of interest, behavioral patterns, location, validity, or place of current stay. Said data make it possible to classify users visiting the website in groups basing on their age, fields of interest (both professional and private ones), geographical location, etc. The user acknowledges that profiling techniques are taken advantage of.  
Even if the user has agreed for profiling, he or she can withdraw his or her consent due to reasons connected with his or her private situation. Then, the administrator will not be allowed to process user’s data further, unless said party has important and legally justified causes for further data processing and if such causes are more important than interests, rights, and freedoms of the user. Data can be also further processed to specify, press, or defend claims. Furthermore, if profiling-related undertakings are performed for the purposes of direct marketing, the user can withdraw his or her consent for gathering data for marketing purposes to the extent to which such processing is connected with direct marketing. 
The user has also the right to receive a confirmation from the Administrator that his or her personal data are processed and if so - the user has the right to be granted access to them, as well as to the following pieces of information (if applicable): information on automated decision making, including profiling, discussed in art. 22 section 1 and 4, as well as – in applicable cases – key information relating to making such decisions and their consequences for the user.   

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