EA Sports FC 25 player attributes


In EA FC 25, it is often the case that players with a higher overall rating play worse than those with a lower rating. This is because the overall rating alone doesn't affect the gameplay in practically any way. In order to see what skills a player has in the game, we need to dig deeper into the attributes of the players. Understanding how they work and what they are responsible for will allow you to better match players to your preferences, making you a better player. In this article we will explain each player attribute.

Pace (55% Sprint Speed, 45% Acceleration)

  • Sprint Speed - The Sprint speed determines the maximum speed a player can achieve.
  • Acceleration - Acceleration is the increase in the player's running speed. The higher the value, the shorter the time required to reach maximum speed. In the case of a player with high acceleration but low running speed, his sprint develops quickly but his top speed is quite low. In this case, acceleration becomes almost irrelevant - there is no point in reaching top speed quickly if it is not high.

Shooting (5% Att. Position, 45% Finishing, 20% Shot Power, 20% Long Shots, 5% Volleys,  5% Penalties)

  • Att. Position - Attacking positioning is the ability of a player to get into good positions on the pitch during a match. The higher this statistic is, the more likely a player is to find enough space to receive the ball in dangerous areas. This attribute refers to a player's ability to spot open space and get into good positions that provide an advantage in attack.
  • Finishing - Finishing is the accuracy of shots with the foot in the penalty area. However, it does not affect headers or shots from outside the penalty area.
  • Shot Power - Shooting power determines how powerfully a player hits the ball when taking a shot on goal. It is the amount of power a player can put into a shot while maintaining its accuracy. It affects how fast the ball moves when shot from any distance. A player with low shot power can still hit the ball powerfully, but the longer you hold down the shot button, the more likely they are to miss.
  • Long Shots - This attribute determines the accuracy of shots from outside the penalty area.
  • Volleys - Volleys determine the accuracy and power of aerial shots with legs. Players with this statistic at a high level are more likely to score beautiful goals.
  • Penalties - This attribute determines the player's ability to take penalty kicks. The higher its value, the slower the penalty kick accuracy wheel moves, so you have a greater chance of getting a perfect shot. It also increases the accuracy of the penalty kick and makes the ball harder for the goalkeeper to catch as it is hit closer to the corner of the goal.

Passing (20% Vision, 20% Crossing, 5% FK Acc., 35% Short Pass, 15% Long Pass, 5% Curve) 

  • Vision - Vision determines a player's awareness of the position of his teammates and opponents around him. It is an attribute that increases (or decreases) the possibility of a successful long pass. The better the orientation attribute, the wider the player will see his teammates and thus the greater the chances of a successful long pass. It does not matter how high a player's long pass statistic is if he does not have decent vision.
  • Crossing - Crossing defines the accuracy of crosses, both from free play and free kicks. The higher the value of an attribute, the greater the chance that a cross will reach the chosen player in the penalty area.
  • FK Acc. - Free kick is an attribute which measures the accuracy of a player when taking free kicks. The higher the value, the better the accuracy of a direct free kick on goal. You should select a player with excellent free kick accuracy and curve to take free kicks for your team.
  • Short Pass - The Short passing attribute determines the accuracy and strength with which a player plays the ball to teammates with passes on the ground.
  • Long Pass - Long pass determines how well a player makes long passes in the air to a teammate. This attribute determines not only the accuracy but also the speed of the pass. However, note that the value of this statistic does not affect long passes on the ground, only those in the air.
  • Curve - Curve measures a player's ability to curve the ball during passes and shots. The higher the value, the more twisted the ball is. This is an excellent attribute for any player making set pieces. Curved corner kicks can be hard for the outgoing goalkeeper to catch, while curved free kicks can easily get past the wall and tighten up into the goal. By having a player with a high curve statistic, you can also try to hit the goal directly from a corner kick when the opponent comes out with the goalkeeper in front of the goal area.

Dribbling (10% Agility, 5% Balance, 0% Reactions, 35% Ball Control, 50% Dribbling, 0% Composure)

  • Agility - This attribute measures a player's agility when moving or turning. In other words, how quickly and agilely a player can control the ball. A player with high agility is easier to control and pass opponents with it. If you love players who dribble a lot, agility is one statistic worth paying attention to.
  • Balance - The balance attribute is the ability to maintain balance after a physical clash. If a player has high agility and balance stats, he will move smoothly and be able to control the ball with ease. Furthermore, even if a player has highly rated running speed and acceleration stats, they may feel sluggish if they lack agility and balance.
  • Reactions - Reactions measure how quickly a player reacts to situations happening around him. In other words, It is the time between the moment a player sees where the ball is and the moment he takes a position to receive it.
  • Ball Control - Ball control is the player's ability to control the ball after receiving it. The higher the value, the less likely the ball is to bounce off the player when receiving it. It affects how well a player can maintain possession of the ball when an opponent attacks him.
  • Dribbling - Dribbling is a player's ability to control the ball and pass the opponent. A higher value means that the player will hold onto the ball better when dribbling because they will keep the ball closer to their feet, making it harder for the opponent to take it away from them.
  • Composure - This attribute affects a player's chances of making a mistake on shots, passes and passes under pressure. The higher the value, the better the player performs in contact situations.

Defending (20% Interceptions, 10% Heading Acc., 30% Def. Awareness, 30% Stand Tackle, 10% Slide Tackle)

  • Interceptions - Interception determines the ability to read the game and intercept passes. The higher the value of this statistic, the greater the chance that a player will stick out a leg or do something else to prevent an opposing team's pass.
  • Heading Acc. - This attribute determines how accurate and how powerful a player's headers are. Although we have to manually select the direction of the shot during the headshot, players with a highly rated heading statistic have a better chance of hitting the goal.
  • Def. Awareness - Defensive awareness is the ability to follow an opponent's and defend his attack. In other words, your player can stay close to the opponent's attacker and stop him/her from making a cross/pass from a teammate. It also contributes to the correct positioning of the player in defence.
  • Stand Tackle - This attribute measures a player's ability to make traditional tackles to win the ball and not commit a foul. If the statistic is low, the player is more likely to be late. If a player has a high stand tackle statistic, the chance also increases that for slight fouls, such as lightly pulling on a jersey or knocking an opposing player out of rhythm by making a stronger physical contact, the referee will turn a blind eye and not dictate a free kick.
  • Slide Tackle - The slide tackle statistic measures a player's ability to perform a slide tackle in time to win the ball and not commit a foul. The higher the value of this attribute, the greater the chance that a player will win the ball from under the opponent's feet in a clean way during a slide tackle.

Physical (5% Jumping, 25% Stamina, 50% Strength, 20% Aggression)

  • Jumping - Jumping measures how high a player can jump to the header. The higher the value, the higher the player can jump. However, this attribute is relatively useless without the associated attributes. For a player to be outstanding in the air, he should also have high stats for jumping, strength and heading accuracy. His height can also be a great help. A tall player with a high jumping statistic will be very dangerous every set piece and other crosses.
  • Stamina - Stamina determines the rate at which a player tires during a match. This attribute also determines how long a player can sprint before he slows down. Bear in mind that as the player's stamina bar decreases during the match, other stats also decrease, which has a significant impact on the quality of his play. The risk of injury also increases.
  • Strength -  Strength is an attribute that determines strength in physical clashes with an opponent. The higher the value, the more likely a player is to win a physical duel. A high rating for this attribute also allows the player to block the ball more effectively with his body, which helps him to hold the ball and wait for teammates to come out in good passing positions.
  • Aggression - The Aggression attribute indicates a player's commitment to the game. The higher the value of this attribute, the more dedicated and committed the player will be on the pitch. The player will be more determined to win strength duels, aerial battles or tackles.


  • Diving - This attribute determines the goalkeeper's ability to make interventions that require him to dive for the ball.
  • Handling - Handling determines a goalkeeper's ability to catch the ball. The higher the value of this attribute, the more likely the player is to catch the ball instead of parrying it.
  • Kicking - Kicking is another attribute designed exclusively for goalkeepers, measuring the length and accuracy of balls kicked out of their hands or off the ground.
  • Reflexes - Reflexes determine how quickly a goalkeeper reacts to a shot on goal. If the statistic is low, the goalkeeper will start the intervention animation later.
  • Speed - The goalkeeper's speed determines how quickly the goalkeeper can leave the goal to reach the attacker in a 1-on-1 situation.
  • Positioning -  This attribute is the goalkeeper's ability to position himself correctly for an intervention. It also influences the way a goalkeeper reacts to crosses.


As you can see, each player has a large number of in-game statistics. Having the right combination of attributes is key to playing well. It is therefore worth getting to know each of them and using them to select players for your team.


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